1. Congrats on a great travel year!! I just returned from New Orleans for New Years and I ate everything in sight! Lol. I went to South Africa in November and it was amazing. I hope to return to that area to go to Namibia and Zimbabwe. Your picks looks amazing! I missed out on the glitch fares last year but will finally be going to Dubai this year and I’m heading to Cuba in March & Arizona in June. Happy Travels!

  2. Your photos are just stunning! Which company did you use for your DNA test?

    Thanks for the tips on Cuba. I didn’t even realize that it had to still fall under the 12 rules. I’m looking at going there in Dec 2016

    • thetravelsista

      I used ancestry.com for my DNA test. I recently got my results back and I’ll be posting about it soon. I’m sure you will enjoy Cuba.

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