1. Sounds like you had a great year! I was all over the place too this year and I plan to be all over the place in 2015 as well 😀

    I still have yet to go to Croatia (or Yacht Week), but I hear good things… looking forward to getting there soon!

    • thetravelsista

      Hi Chanel, you should definitely add Croatia to your bucket list. It’s a pretty place and the boating culture is divine. Hope you have a great year of travel in 2015. Looking forward to reading your new tales.

  2. What a great year! Enjoyed your Croatia posts! I am so jealous of you getting the Etihad specials especially for the Cape Town Jazz festival! #bucketlist. Like you I enjoyed being back in Italy this year! I also visited Spain and The French Riviera as well as some US cities for the first time like Nashville and a return trip to Savannah. In 2015 I am returning to Dominican Republic where I visited for the first time in December and it was beautiful. I am trying to snag some international deals next year hopefully Dubai and SA also or Brazil, Hong Kong :))

    • thetravelsista

      Yes, last year was good one and hopefully this year will be even better. I’m really stoked about the Etihad airfare deals! Now, I’m on the hunt for a Brazil. Those have been hard to come by lately. Hope you have a great travel year.

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