1. Jasmine

    Hello T. Michelle! I’m excited to have come across your blog! It is awesome! I can’t wait to dig into more of your posts!! I recently graduated, and landed a full time job. I’m excited to be in a good position, but I’m really feeling down about the fact that I may not be able to travel as much. I have a few questions for you, if you don’t mind answering. How do you plan your trips around your work schedule? How do you get others to join you on trips? Most of my friends and family REFUSE to go anywhere other than Florida for vacations. I’m about 85% sure that I’m about to start going places on my own, but I’m still holding out hope that someone will want to go! lol!

    • thetravelsista

      Hi Jasmine, I’m glad you’re enjoying the blog. As for your questions, like most Americans work/travel balance was/is a problem for me, especially at the beginning of my career. I mostly took weekend trips to various big cities in the USA; it’s a good way to see the country and get some travel experience. Now, I’m self-employed so I have a little more flexibility with my schedule. Technology also makes it easier to stay abreast of work.

      Like you, most of my friends do not travel much and when they do they go to the same place. I travel either by myself, with my sister, or with my few friends who do like to get out and see the world. Solo travel can be fun, and if you start by traveling solo domestically, you’ll be more comfortable on international trips. If you really like to travel with others, you may consider joining a travel club. There are numerous travel groups on Meetup and you might find some travel partners there. Happy Travels!

  2. Good tips and I enjoy reading them. Besides those tips you could consider traveling for jobs as well. We have been traveling as a traveling nurse and traveling PT over the years and we have done so far I’ve 30 states and 10 counties and we are still on the move.

  3. Have you ever couchsurfed before? I love to budget travel – one of the tips I’d suggest is to always do your research on the place you’re going – there might be handy apps you can download to help sift through activities. Another thing I love to do to save money (and explore the city) is to go to a local market and pick up my lunches for the week. Of course I love to taste the local restaurant scene, but there’s something fun about making your own meals as well!

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