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Comments on: Ghana’s Elmina Castle
Sat, 14 Jun 2014 18:09:44 +0000
By: Exploring Ghana |
Sat, 14 Jun 2014 18:09:44 +0000[…] the day before I left, I went to the Cape Coast to see the infamous slave castles. I took a tour of the Elmina Castle in Elmina; it was an emotionally overwhelming experience and I was glad to get to my hotel, Biriwa […]
By: Is Slave Tourism in Africa Good or Bad?
Wed, 23 Apr 2014 18:50:46 +0000[…] My first stop was the Elmina Castle. The hulking white structure first catches your attention as you drive up the Atlantic coast. Surrounded by palm trees, sandy beaches, and scenic ocean views, it would be a beautiful site were it not for atrocities committed there. It was hard for me to see it as anything but a place of evil. As soon as I arrived, I immediately felt uncomfortable. After paying the entrance fee, I was led to the small on-site museum before meeting my tour guide. The guide was a local Elmina resident who was well versed in the history of the castle. As we walked through the fortress he described the inhumane conditions the slaves endured before they made the voyage across the Atlantic. I won’t recount them all here, but you can read details in my blog post Ghana’s Elmina Castle. […]